Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Write an Essay on the Relationship Between Frankenstein...

This essay will examine the relationship between two sets of characters in two different books. In Mary Shelleys’ Frankenstein the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and The Monster he created will be discussed, by analysing both characters relationship to each other before detailing the effects this relationship had, on the others actions and how it led to their eventual downfall. In Matthew Lewis’ The Monk the relationship between Ambrosio and Matilda will be analysed and then compared to the aforementioned relationship in Frankenstein in order to highlight any similarities or differences in Ambrosios’ fall from grace as opposed to Victors. In order to compare the relationship between Victor and The Monster it is important to†¦show more content†¦The Monster learned about society from the periphery, looking in and without the growth structures and parameters that were traits in Victors’ upbringing. Due to this he does not know the boundaries of correct human behaviour and has not been taught what is socially or morally right and wrong. Instead he has learned it from books such as Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ and from his observations of the Delacy family. It is this recognition of his ability to perform intellectual realisations made evident in his reference to Milton â€Å"remember, that I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel†, that allows Victor to eventually recognise him as a human being and no longer merely a personification of a scientific experiment. This however is overshadowed by his hatred of The Monster for the murders of firstly his brother and causing the death of Justine, but later his wife and best friend Henry. The Monster hopes that by telling Victor of the compassion he has witnessed and heard from his time watching Felix and Safie that Victor may allow a relationship to develop but this has the opposite effect and highlights the fact that because of the secret of The Monster, Victor allowed Justine to die. The relationship between the two evolves throughout the novel. In the beginning we view Victor as a god like creator of this being. Victor has the power over the monster at this stage and uses that power to reject him and leave him to find his own

Monday, December 16, 2019

Influence of Health Care Delivery Free Essays

Influence of health care delivery Influence of health care delivery services in the future Shellie Bosley University of Phoenix Abstract Your abstract should be one paragraph and should not exceed 120 words. It is a summary of the most important elements of your paper. All numbers in the abstract, except those beginning a sentence, should be typed as digits rather than words. We will write a custom essay sample on Influence of Health Care Delivery or any similar topic only for you Order Now To count the number of words in this paragraph, select the paragraph, and on the Tools menu click Word Count. Influence of health care delivery services in the future The impacts of healthcare delivery systems biggest issues are the aging and obesity. We need to understand how these can impact our lives and what we can do to address them now before they become a bigger issue in the future. Many of the Americans from the baby boomer era are becoming retired and will add to the future endeavors of the working class with many of our government programs being affected. The second contributor is obesity. Since this can go in hand with the aging these are the main reasons we need to look at our delivery systems. Aging With our population of baby boomers which are born between 1946 and 1964 they will start to turn 65. This means that our numbers of aging people is likely to double from what it is now. This also has an increase due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050. In the United States our aging is graying at a much slower pace. By 2050 we are expected to have one fifth of our population retired. The increased number will have a huge impact on the United States structure of many programs. The rapid change can have major social and economic issues when we do not plan for them ahead of time. The postwar baby boom in the United States has strained local hospital, public school, and postsecondary education systems, as well as the labor force as these unexpected large cohorts have moved through the life cycle. U. S. population aging has been long predicted. †(Kevin Kinsella and Wan He, â€Å"An Aging World: 2008,† U. S. Census Bureau, International Population Reports P95/09-1 (Washin gton, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 2009). But this is not the only numbers that are important for policies and programs. This also affects healthcare, disability, living arrangements, kinship networks and the economy. It is about the cost and implications the Aging population will have on America. Environment Environmental factors are air pollution, food and water containments, radiation and toxic chemicals as well as health determinants. You also have factor such as socioeconomic status which means the more money and better you can live the less likely you are to be a burden on society. Behavior and lifestyle can also influence along with heredity. But the most important is health care because this is your determinate to living a long healthy life. Demographics Demographics of the aging population more than 3. 5 million boomers turn 55. By this year the 50 and older population will reach 100 million. It is an increase of 31 percent this decade. They are expected to live 19 years longer and women outnumber men by almost 6 million. Half a million are grandparents with the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. The major income is social security, income from assets, private pensions, government pensions, private pensions and earnings. Most of the elderly live in metropolitan areas and they tend to move less. Most elderly are home owners and their homes do have physical problems. And most have a free and clear home where they do not owe anything on them. When it comes to work and education 6. 2 million Americans age 65 are in the work force. Between 1970 and 2008, the percentage of older persons who had completed high school rose from 28% to 77. 4%. About 20. 5% in 2008 had a bachelor’s degree or higher. (http://assistedliving. about. com/od/startingabusiness/a/agingtrends. htm) Reducing The aging trend is likely to increase due to their needs being different than younger people. Older adults have different health care needs than younger age groups, and this will affect the demands placed on the health care system in the future. They are more likely to suffer chronic illness such as cancer and heart disease. About 84% of those age 65 and older suffer from at least one chronic condition, compared to 38% of those ages 20 to 44 [Wu and Green, 2000]. They are more to require the service of healthcare due to injuries and illness. They have more limitations than younger people and they use more prescription medications. They usually consume more ambulatory care, hospital service, nursing homes and home health services than younger people. When dealing with the aging we can implement many options to help them live a full and healthy lifestyle. We need to help them improve their health by getting regular exercise and not smoking, reduce the chronic disease. We also need increase the use of preventive services and help them understand that addressing the issue now will help them live a longer life. If they have a coginitive impairment, mental health issue get them address early. And provide them with education and planning for serious events. Obesity The CDC reports that obesity rates among adults in the United States doubled between 1980 and 2012. Today, over 30% of our country’s population is obese with many not feeling this is a real issue. The increased healthcare cost created by this trend shows otherwise. When you think of health many studies show being obese increases your risk for serious health. Many serious health factors are heart disease, diabetes and many cancers. This makes the risk in healthcare cost and a decline in productivity in the economy. The current obesity rates in America are more than one third. There are no real differences between men or women. Adults aged 60 and over are more obese than younger adults. With men it is no real difference in rates but with women the rate is 42 percent to 31 percent in women under 60. When you place children in the equation it is higher for adolescents than preschool aged children. The obesity rate is higher among boys than girls at an 18 percent to 15 percent rate. (http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/adult. html) Environmental factors The environmental factors that contribute to obesity are lack of healthy choices in diet and lack of exercise either from choice or lack of resources such as the store is too far to walk so they drive. With fewer options for physical activity and healthy eating it becomes difficult to make good choices. Other environmental factors are energy balance with means spending too much time watching television, playing video games and these types of things than energy building activities such as bike riding or walking. Another factor is the food industry with reasonable food portions, change in what is in them and cheaper health options for the consumer that cannot afford. Demographics Overweight in adults and children has tripled and it is estimated that one in five people in the United States is overweight. We are seeing many younger people becoming obese with the higher rates in the Hispanic, African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans. The lower the families income the higher the risk for obesity rate due to lack of resources to pay for them. The higher the income the more readily the healthy food options are. Trend During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. More than one-third of U. S. adults (35. 7%) and approximately 17% (or 12. 5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. (www. cdc. gov) In 2009-2010 the age-adjusted mean BMI was 28. (95% CI, 28. 3-29. 1) for men and also 28. 7 (95% CI, 28. 4-29. 0) for women. Median BMI was 27. 8 (interquartile range [IQR], 24. 7-31. 7) for men and 27. 3 (IQR, 23. 3-32. 7) for women. The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was 35. 5% (95% CI, 31. 9%-39. 2%) among adult men and 35. 8% (95% CI, 34. 0%-37. 7%) among adult women. Over the 12-year period from 1999 through 2010, obesity showed no significant increase among women overall (age- and race-adjusted annual change in odds ratio [AOR], 1. 01; 95% CI, 1. 00-1. 03; P = . 07), but increases were statistically significant for non-Hispanic black women (P = . 4) and Mexican American women (P = . 046). For men, there was a significant linear trend (AOR, 1. 04; 95% CI, 1. 02-1. 06; P ; . 001) over the 12-year period. For both men and women, the most recent 2 years (2009-2010) did not differ significantly (P = . 08 for men and P = . 24 for women) from the previous 6 years (2003-2008). Trends in BMI were similar to obesity trends. (NHANES) With the increase in BMI it can lead to many diseases which are heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome. Reducing the risks To reduce the risks of obesity you first need to be educated on the risks and how you became a risk factor. Then you need to change your eating habits to a healthy diet. You will need to increase your regular exercise and decrease inactivity. Go to the doctors and figure out a healthy path to get in control. Citations 1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health (2000). The Practical Guide: Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults (NIH Publication No. 00-4084). Available online: http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/guidelines/obesity/prctgd_c. pdf. 2. Purnell JQ (2008). Obesity. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds. , ACP Medicine, section 3, chap. 10. Hamilton, ON: BC Decker. 3. American Gastroenterological Association (2002, reapproved 2008). AGA technical review on obesity. Gastroenterology, 123(3): 882-932. [Erratum in Gastroenterology, 123(5): 1752. ] 4. Klien S, Romijin JA (2008). Obesity. In HM Kroneberg et al. , eds. , Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 11th ed, pp. 1563-1587. Philadelphia: Saunders. 5. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (2008). 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (ODPHP Publication No. U0036). Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Available online: http://www. health. gov/paguidelines/pdf/paguide. pdf. Gingras Y, Lariviere V, Macaluso B, Robitaille J-P (2008) The Effects of Aging on Researchers’ Publication and Citation Patterns. PLoS ONE 3(12): e4048. doi:10. 1371/journal. pone. 0004048 References Anderson, Charles Johnson (2003). The impressive psychology paper. Chicago: Lucerne Publishing. Smith, M. (2001). Writing a successful paper. The Trey Research Monthly, 53, 149-150. Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors and are formatted with a hanging indent. Most reference entries have three components: Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials. Commas separate all authors. When there are seven or more authors, list the first six and then use â€Å"et al. † for remaining authors. If no author is identified, the title of the document begins the reference. Year of Publication: In parenthesis following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use â€Å"n. d. † in parenthesis following the authors. Source Reference: Includes title, journal, volume, pages (for journal article) or title, city of publication, publisher (for book). How to cite Influence of Health Care Delivery, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

My American Dream Essay Example For Students

My American Dream Essay Outline1   Introduction2 My American Dream Essay sample3 Conclusion   Introduction A human is a social being that is yielded to temptations. That is absolutely normal as we want to get from our lives as much as possible. That’s why an utmost expression of the American Dream has appeared. Have you ever heard about it? The American Dream topics in English are among the most popular assignments for college students, as it expresses their attitude toward the destiny of immigrants, equality, freedom, and show the ability to formulate their hooks, thesis and thoughts properly. There are even cases when the destiny of your scholarship depends on your essay on the American Dream. As it’s obvious from the title of the article, we’re going to provide you with free essay or speech example that can be used in your work. And remember, just your creative ideas will make your paper look attractive! Rockwell drew pictures of the American dream during his time. His art of the American dream consisted of families having a great time, or of a happily married couple. Rockwell The American Dream was happiness with a family or a loved one. The ending of war caused the American Dream to completely changed. I think its because we no longer had to worry about freedom, we filled the gap of freedom with wealth.The American Dream is now to marry a beautiful wife, start a family, and become rich. Its turned into greed. Everyones dream is to become just like Bill Gates. People no longer do their work because they enjoy it. They do their work because of the money. A perfect example of this is pro baseball. When Major League Baseball first started the players did it because they loved the game and loved playing in front of the huge audiences. They got paid low wages but still plated the game because they loved it. Major League players these days complain because theyre not getting paid enough when they are making millions of dollars a year. Kids set their goal to become a pro baseball player so that they can earn millions of dollars too. Arthur Miller does a great job illustrating the new, corrupted American Dream in his play Death of a Salesman. Arthur Miller shows us that the American Dream is valid, but those who hope to substitute popularity and lucky breaks for hard work are likely to fail. Miller does this by using characters such as Willy Lowman who cant achieve his American Dream of becoming rich and famous. In Millers Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman makes two grave mistakes while trying to achieve his American Dream. Willy grew up believing that being well-liked was important to becoming a success. Death, Homewok hotline He believed that being well-liked could help you charm your boss and open doors in the business world. Garrison A perfect example is on page 64 when Willy is preparing Biff for a job interview with Oliver. He says Dont wear a sport jacket and slacks when u see Oliver. Wear a business suit, and talk as little as  possible, and dont crack any jokes. Miller, Death of a Salesman This just shows how worried he is about being accepted. I think this is what caused Willy to fail. He worked his hardest trying to suck up to people and become popular when he should have just worked harder at his job. Miller also uses Charlies son Bernard to contrast Willies thoughts and help show that anyone can achieve their American Dream. Willy thinks Bernard is a physically unattractive, spectacles-wearing, anemic, pathetic little lad. Elsom Bernard gives Biff the right answers to the exams in math. In exchange for this, Biff lets Bernard carry his shoulder pads into the locker room at game time so that he can get some attention and feel like part of the group. Bernard is not well liked. by his former class mates at all. He is the total opposite of Biff. Bernard and Willie run into each other at the end of the play at Charlies office. Bernard tells him that he has a case in Washington and Willy says How did you? Why didnt he ever catch on?Miller 92 Miller says this because he is amazed that Bernard got as far as he did. He doesnt understand why Biff didnt get anywhere. It proves to him that you dont have to be well liked at all to become successful. Beowulf And Epic Questions EssayWillies corrupted view of the American Dream also included the belief that successful people were risk-takers. He thinks that people take risk in order to get rich quick. Murray He regrets the fact that he always turned down his brothers offer to move to Alaska to make his fortune. He took the huge risk of trusting Biff to get him to his American dream. Gardener He thought that once Biff became the star athlete, that he could start a successful sporting goods company. He believes people would be drawn to the company by Biffs charisma, athletic ability, and Loman name. Willy should not have put the fate of his dream into Biffs hands. Miller had Biff fail to show us what can happen if you take a huge risk like that and it fails. Another commonly stated reason for Willies failure is the fact that he chose the wrong career. He truly believed that he was born to be a salesman and that was how he would make his fortune and gain his success. Since he chose the wrong profession there is no way that he can succeed. According to Chester Eisinger, people do not achieve their dream if they choose the wrong one, and they usually choose the wrong dream because they do not know themselves Eisinger. Miller also shows us that the American dream is now corrupt and greedy compared to what it used to be. He shows us that family is one of the most important elements in the American dream and Miller expresses this many times throughout the novel. He did this by having Willies American Dream cause problems  in his family and personal life. As Willie is trying to pursue his dream he often lets the family down. There are many flashbacks in the novel to the time where they lived in Nebraska and how everyone was happy. Willy had a decent job with good hours and got to spend plenty of his time with his family. He may not have been the richest or most popular man but he had his freedom, family, and happiness. If Willy would have never of had such a corrupt American dream and would have kept it simple he would have lived a happy successful life. This is Millers way of showing us not to be greedy. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, provides substantial evidence that their is still and American Dream today. Most people dream of fortune and fame but there is still that 10% that dream for a job they enjoy and strive for a lovely, attached family.